Welcome to the Chair of Internal Auditing
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marc Eulerich is professor of Internal Auditing and Corporate Governance in the Accounting & Finance department of the Mercator School of Management. From 2011 until 2016, he held a junior professorship sponsored by the DIIR, the German Institute of Internal Auditing. In December 2016, he received a full professorship at the Chair of Internal Auditing, which is the only university chair in Germany with an explicit focus on Internal Auditing in both research and teaching. The offered lectures are focused on innovative forms of teaching and practical knowledge transfer.
The Chair of Internal Auditing pursues fundamental scientific research as well as practice-oriented problem solving in the national and international context with the aim of expanding scientific discussion on good corporate governance and exploring the role and purpose of the internal auditing function. Numerous partners for cooperation both in Germany and abroad as well as a broad spectrum of research methods are the basis for publications, conferences and projects.

The supervision of final theses and seminar papers is offered in all listed research areas. Empirical projects that involve company specific case studies or questionnaire-based research, as well as analytical studies are encouraged. Possible topics for final theses, which concentrate on current research areas in an international context are suggested regularly during lectures or through announcements on the chair’s website.
The ongoing cooperation with the DIIR enables Professor Eulerich’s Chair of Internal Auditing to establish an interesting link for students between science and practical experience in the area of Internal Auditing. The practical knowledge transfer enables students to prepare for a future career in Internal Auditing as well as to explore the fascinating field of Internal Auditing in practice and in theory.
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The German Institute of Internal Auditing (DIIR) (DIIR) represents the interests of the Internal Auditors. Therefore, the DIIR uses a network of internationally operating associations, which provide globally recognized standards and methods. Among the 2000 members, who come from all areas of the economy, science and administration, more than 95% are part of all DAX30 and for a large part of the MDAX companies. The DIIR represents medium sized companies as well as large corporations and public institutions.
Basic literature for all lectures:
Welge, M.K./Eulerich, M.: Corporate-Governance-Management: Theorie und Praxis der guten Unternehmensführung, 2. Aufl., Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag, 2014.
Breaking News:
- Zentrale Klausureinsicht am Lehrstuhl für Interne Revision20.03.25
- Kennen Sie unser Jobportal?18.03.25
- REMINDER: ESG- und Nachhaltigkeitsinteressierte Studierende, aufgepasst!19.02.25
- Anmeldung zum Zusatzseminar "Python Anwendung in der Internen Revision"28.01.25
- IAEP Student Chapter Meeting: Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der ESG-Regulatorik!24.01.25
MSM Breaking News:
- Zusatzkurse der MSM im Sommersemester 202528.03.25
- Anmeldephase Python Programmierkurs Sommersemester 202527.03.25
- Klausureinsicht WS 24/25 - Lehrstuhl für Marketing25.03.25
- Forschungsseminar "Performance Management and Leadership" zum Thema "KI-gestütztes Forschen im Rahmen von Performance Management and Leadership"25.03.25
- Orientierungsangebot für neue BWL-Masterstudierende25.03.25