The lectures of the chair are offered yearly. Besides the presented scheduled lectures, current lectures are added to the lecture program.
During each semester it is possible to write a bachelor, master or diploma thesis at the chair.
Username and password can be requested by sending the matriculation number to hiwi.ircg (at) uni-due.de
Erforderliche Kurse für den Schwerpunkt Interne Revision
Breaking News:
- Einladung zum Winter-Walk & Career Talk: Mit Glühwein zur Zukunft02.12.24
- Klausureinsichten am Lehrstuhl für Interne Revision08.10.24
- Ausschreibung einer praxisnahen Abschlussarbeit02.10.24
- Gastvortag: Tax Compliance Management Systeme03.05.24
- Praxisseminar "Unternehmensüberwachung" im SoSe 202426.02.24